Realm of the Prophets #Book 2

Traversing a vast desert under a starlit sky, the young Prophet My'ala is forced to reconcile with the choice that she's made, and the journey her and her people have embarked upon in search of a new home. Accompanied by her family and their God-Elect, she must navigate an unfamiliar world fraught with danger, wrestling with a single question that will determine whether her people survive out on the sands.

What does it mean to call a place home?

With little choice, and a seemingly impossible task ahead of them, My'ala and her people press on over the dunes - until one day they encounter a small tent propped up next to an ancient well. Within the tent, they encounter a desert wanderer with a single, starlit eye, adorned in beautiful green robes and shiny golden jewels. Her name is Othella the Muse. And she may just hold the answers they're looking for...

It is the brick and mortar that makes a house…

“But it is the furniture within, that makes a home.

As with its predecessor, this book is not a traditional fantasy book and doesn’t lend to any particular tropes of the genre - but, compared to its predecessor, it is definitely the more ‘fantasy’ book of the two, with the philosophical elements as a pleasant narrative feature. It’s also a much more mature book than the first: My’ala is older; Othella is wiser; the issues are far more complex. It was an interesting adventure to write, and one that proved very cathartic for me as the author - and I hope it manages to do the same for those who read it!


