Every word I write, and every story I tell, is as much yours as it is mine.
Without people like you, and the book community as a whole, the books I write would never have any chance of being real. In many ways this still doesn’t feel real, doing what I love and entertaining people around the world. It is a blessing, and I am forever thankful for the people who give me this opportunity every day. You guys are awesome.
I’ve included this donation page as an option for people to engage with if they choose to, which directly contributes to the creation of my new projects and the administration of my book-related content. Any and all donations will go towards cover art, barcodes, running the website, additional illustrations and maps, and various subscription fees that keep everything running smoothly on my end. There are never any expectations for people to donate, and this page is just here for people to support my work in another way should they choose to.
So, my thanks to you all, and as always…
Happy adventures!